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Friday, January 3, 2014

India Without Hunger

International Food Policy Research Institute based in the United States ( aiehppiarai ) According to figures published in India are providing trauma . In the international hunger index , India 63 - is ranked . There were only a total of 78 countries on the list .

In the total population , the rate of malnutrition , the body weight of children vayatukkulpatta for the unemployed rate , the mortality rate for the  determined by this code .

Angola , Bangladesh , Cambodia , Ethiopia , Ghana , Malawi , Niger , Rwanda , Thailand , Viet Nam and 1990 - after the large number of victims, reducing hunger in their countries, and reached the greatest progress .

With a population of around 14 crore , an area three times larger than China in 1990 - the

2013 - Between 58 percent and reduced the rate of hunger . 1990 - 13 points , passed in China , 2013 - reduced to 5.5 points . Only 21.3 percent from 32.6 percent in the same period, India has reduced .

In India , the body weight of  for homeless people and that 40 per cent indicated. In the case of Timor - Leste , a country also India topped the list ( ? ) There .

Lack of political stability in Pakistan , the list of 57 - th place ( 1990 - 25.9 - in points in 2013 - 19.3 in ) , Bangladesh 58 - th place ( from 36.7 - 19.4 ) , Nepal 49 - th place

( 28 - to 17.3- in ) , the war-ravaged Sri Lanka, 43 - th place ( from 22.3 - 15.6 ) are also available .

Rovanda in India has been hard hit by the war, especially . The index level is the only place in India for the past twelve years, without improvement .

School lunch program for children in the state 's inception , nearly 12 million people across the country use said to be broadened . It has been described as a large -scale project in the world .

However , on the international hunger index , India 's position remains unchanged.

Under for 18 percent of children in India , 36 percent of young people are not getting a balanced diet is revealed in the National Family Health Survey .

Referring to these figures , the federal and state governments to pay more attention to the lunch program, the Ministry of Manpower Development Secretariat amarjit Singh recently wrote in the letter .

What do these things out ? Government allocates funds to a program that reaches out to people , only 15 percent said the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi . Unmaitano feel that it is in the case of hunger code .

For decades , thousands of crores  This data indicates that there is no significant improvement .

1970 - Since the defeat poverty has raised the slogan of political parties . Now, nearly 45 years after the slogan  the same , except for the large change in the situation .

Now our federal and state governments will wake up only to be able to make some pattantukalila Bharat without starving .

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